Before wishing you happy end-of-year holidays, let’s catch up with the lst six months of EQUAL4EUROPE
Gender Equality & Diversity Officers Network
We welcome new members to the GE&DO Network!
We are delighted to invite new members to the Gender Equality and Diversity Officers Network. This is an online collaborative space for those interested in gender equality issues in academia.
This is a space for you if…
- you wish to connect with Gender Equality and Diversity Officers, projects and other initiatives on gender equality, advisors and experts from universities and research centres from all around Europe
- you are interested in receiving updates and studies in the field of gender equality
- you wish to participate in online webinars and trainings related to gender equality issues
in academia.
The GE&DO Network uses a dedicated LinkedIn page as the space to share ideas, best practices, information on how to ensure and promote Gender Equality in research performing organisations and opportunities for collaborations.
Trainings & Workshops
Between September and November 2022, UNIBA organised 4 “knowledge sharing sessions” and workshops for the project partners or the teaching and research staff of the institution. These workshops for the project partners or the teaching and research staff of the institution. These
sessions offered the space to share experiences and best practices from other institutions and learn from each other. The following sessions were organised this period:
- Sexual harassment and measures to prevent and tackle it
- Measures to prevent sexual harassment and violence against women
- Promoting careers of female researchers (mentoring, trainings and other tools)
- Gender (un)awareness in higher education
If you are interested in attending one of the upcoming sessions or in more information on the past ones, get in touch with us via our website!
Research Results & Public Deliverables
New material published on our website!
Our website is constantly updated with new research conducted by the partners. From detailed overviews of gender equality policies implemented in EU countries to templates for designing a gender equality plan, the project website has become a resource hub for those interested in research and toolkits. Here’s the new material that was recently added:
- Monitoring and budgeting tool: a framework to acquire segmented data on hiring, retention, promotion, pay, development investments and decision-making committees by
gender. - Training and toolkit to improve gender equality related to decision making: with focus on leadership staff of higher education and research performing institutions and the
decision-making bodies and processes. - Tracking tool for gender equality plans: Separated to (i) preliminary steps for adopting a GEP (ii) the negotiation process (iii) designing the GEP (iv) dissemination and engagement with key stakeholders.
Press, Events & Collaborations
We are always interested in new collaborations and opportunities to share our work with those looking for ways to address gender imbalances, particularly in academic environments. In the past 6 months the EQUAL4EUROPE partners were present online and in person in the activities of other projects and networks.
In September 2022, at the ILERA European Congress, Matteo Avogaro from ESADE presented the paper “Empowering company level plans to contrast gender pay gap: recent trends in labour market regulation”. The paper carries out a comparative analysis of Spanish and Italian
legislation on company level plans for gender-equality. It examines the issue in the light of the goals established by the EU Gender Equality strategy 2020-2025 to address and eliminate gender pay gap.
In September 2022, EFMD Global Focus published an article-tribute to the late Professor Dianne Bevelander, also founder of the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations (ECWO) at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. EQUAL4EUROPE is referenced and our work in developing Gender Equality Plans for academic institutions. The authors Michael Page (Bentley University), Diane Coetzer (ECWO) and Madeleine Van Der Steege (Webster University) emphasise the importance of such aspirational role models whose stories can be found in the book “Women Courageous: Leading Through the Labyrinth”. You can read the article here.
In October 2022, Rotterdam School of Management of the Erasmus University organised the “Leadership Summit”. How do we shape the future of gender and work? Hanneke Takkenberg from the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations was one of the panelists. See the conference trailer here.
In October 2022, representatives of EQUAL4EUROPE attended the final conference of the “sister projects” Gender-SMART and Gearing Roles. Two successful projects from which we have lots to learn and share!
In November 2022, Maria Guadalupe, Daisy Pollenne and Kaisa Snellman from INSEAD, presented their research at the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance, and Central Banking conference, held in Canada. The data were developed in the framework of our project and examined how perceptions of the workplace climate relate to well-being and turnover intentions among faculty and staff and thus potentially contribute to the leaky pipeline. Full recordings of the conference are available on the website. Recording of the session when the EQUAL4EUROPE research was discussed is also available here.”
What’s next?
2023 is the last year of EQUAL4EUROPE funded duration. This is the year when the partners will come together to discuss the evaluation, impact, lessons learned and challenges faced during the implementation of the Gender Equality Plans. This work will be summarised in workshops and public reports available to academic institutions interested in developing and implementing their own GEPs.
In the coming months…
EQUAL4EUROPE will organise a session during the 2023 EFMD Deans and Directors’ Conference, which is hosted by IE Business School in Madrid, in January 2023. The title of the session is “Implementing strategies to attract and retain female talent in business schools”. More information on the event can be found here.
New research related to practical aspects of the GEPs and knowledge sharing sessions and workshops will be organised by the partners. Have a look at the previous publications here.
The GE&DO Network is preparing a series of webinars to share experiences and best practices in the field. The seminars will tackle issues related to the different phases for preparing and setting up a GEP. Stay tuned through the Network’s LinkedIn page to hear when and how you can attend the webinars.
Finally, our partners will meet in March 2023 in a coordination meeting hosted by Rotterdam School of Management. Many interesting announcements will follow this meeting regarding the GE&DO workshops, the GEPs and all upcoming events.
Don’t forget to subscribe and stay tuned to receive first the news about the project materials and events!