EQUAL4EUROPE Final Conference
Gender Equality Standards for AHMSSBL Research Institutions throughout Europe 9 November 2023ESADE Forum, Av. de Pedralbes, 60-62 · 08034 Barcelona Four years after the beginning of our project, the members take a look back on what has been achieved during this...
EQUAL4EUROPE Final Conference
Save the date and come and meet us on November 9 in Barcelona, for the EQUAL4EUROPE Final Conference hosted by ESADE. We will share soon more information on the agenda and how you can participate.
EQUAL4EUROPE at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
We are excited to share that representatives of our partners from the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations, IEDC – Bled School of Management and Nehem will be presenting the paper “Equal4Europe: Paving the way toward gender equality in European...
EQUAL4EUROPE general assembly in Rotterdam
On 23-24 March 2023, our partners met in the wonderful RSM campus in Rotterdam, for an event organised by the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organizations (ECWO). The EQUAL4EUROPE partners met and shared the progress they have been making in implementing their gender...